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Eating Disorder Therapy

Eating Disorder Therapy

Find Food Freedom

Find yourself underneath the disordered thoughts.

In eating disorder treatment, we help you find your true self. By working through the unhealthy coping patterns of disordered eating, you are able to find new ways to cope with life’s stressors and build the life that you deserve.

Food doesn't have to be a constant struggle.

Food freedom means setting yourself free from the old patterns of disordered eating and embracing foods in a balanced, stress free way. Our therapists use a non-diet, intuitive eating approach to help you find peace. 

Freedom to live your life free from disordered eating.

What does your life look like without an eating disorder? What goals and dreams can become a reality for you without disordered eating in the way? We help you build a free and fulfilling future without your eating disorder.

What Is Disordered Eating?

Disordered eating occurs on a wide spectrum of thoughts, feelings and behaviors. There is no size, gender, weight, sexual orientation, race, or ethnicity to disordered eating–it can (and does) affect anyone. 

Disordered eating can include excessive focus on food, over-exercising, counting calories, restriction of intake, binge eating, purging, and avoidance of certain food types/groups. 

Stringent, fatphobic diagnostic criteria in the mental health field has meant that many people suffering with disordered eating symptoms do not receive an adequate diagnosis or quality treatment. 

Our Treatment Approach

We offer premier eating disorder therapy in Northern Westchester. Our therapists are highly trained in evidenced based best practices to treat eating disorders in adolescents and adults, including cognitive therapy, intuitive eating, body acceptance and liberation, and a firm Health At Every Size framework. 

We believe that disordered eating is healed through a whole-person approach. When you start treatment, we will complete a comprehensive assessment to understand your individual needs and create a tailored treatment plan. 

We work together with outside providers including psychiatrists and dietitians to ensure that you are getting the best care possible. Our therapists also integrate family work, meal support, and referrals to groups as needed. 

Eating Disorder Therapy FAQs

If you feel held back, ashamed, limited or disrupted by your relationship with food, then therapy can help. You don’t need to have a diagnosis in order to heal your body image and eating habits. Therapy can help address the underlying symptoms, patterns of behaviors, and provide you the tools you need to break out of the cycle of disordered eating. 

Our therapists are highly trained and specialize in all forms of disordered eating including restricting, over-exercising, and binge eating. You will start with a comprehensive initial consultation to assess you or your teen’s current symptoms and needs. Your therapist will then create a treatment plan tailored specifically to you to give you the tools to eat intuitively, coping skills to manage the thoughts and beliefs we have about our food and our bodies, and work towards understanding the underlying distress that accompanies disordered eating. 

Your treatment may include seeing a dietitian or getting connected to other health care providers to assist you in your recovery journey. For teens, family work can be an integral part of the recovery process. Your therapist will review all options for treatment with you as you begin your recovery journey. 

Intuitive Eating refers to a practice of getting in touch with our body’s natural hunger cues and cravings. By learning to eat intuitively, we are eliminating the cycles of chronic dieting, restriction, binge eating, and other disordered patterns. 

Health At Every Size is the framework from which our therapists practice. We believe that body diversity is a GOOD THING. By recognizing the damaging influences of diet culture and the multi-billion dollar diet industry, we choose to reject the idea that we should be unhappy in our natural bodies. Teens are particularly vulnerable to the influences of diet culture and social media, which has been shown to lead to poor outcomes in all areas of mental health, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders and suicide. 

It is never too early to start exploring your relationship with your body and your food. Therapy is your space to process, and talking with a therapist can help you decide what you are and are not ready to start working on. 

For teens, often times parents are unsure if symptoms are “bad enough” to seek therapy for. In our experience, the earlier therapy and other interventions are started, the better. 

Questions or interested in setting up a consultation? Get in touch!

 Please note: 

Electronic communication, including email, is not a secure method of communication, and there is some risk that one’s confidentiality could be compromised with its use. 

While we do our best to prevent this with encryption, firewall, and antivirus software on all of our devices–the remote risk remains. 

If you are not comfortable with this, please feel free to call us at 914.440.0402 and leave a message on our confidential voicemail.

We cannot provide clinical advice or therapy during email or phone consultations. Those services are only available once a client/therapist relationship has been established. 

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1008 Main Street. Suite 201 & 202. Peekskill, New York 10566.